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Elevēo strives to simplify complexity for contact centers, minimize service interruptions and provide host anywhere, user-friendly, secure, & scalable software.

Our solutions protect your business by recording contact center interactions like service requests, outbound sales, financial or healthcare transactions, providing solutions for privacy and regulatory requirements, and by capturing customer experience. Let us replace your vulnerabilities with secure solutions, providing you 100% global recording coverage in the cloud, on-premise, or in hybrid architecture with a fully Native Cloud WFO suite.

Elevēo is an 8-time Gartner Magic quadrant WEM vendor with a rich 20-year history (formerly as ZOOM International).


Elevēo usiluje o zjednodušení složitosti kontaktních center, minimalizaci přerušení služeb a poskytování hostitelského, uživatelsky přívětivého, bezpečného a škálovatelného softwaru.

Elevēo je osminásobným Gartner Magic quadrant WEM dodavatelem s bohatou 20letou historií (dříve jako ZOOM International).
